About 5 servings of a real summer flavour, which is sweet and pleasantly sour at the same time. The product contains almost equal proportions of fibre and protein, making it a great dietary helper. You can prepare it easily by mixing it with 0.3 L of milk or vegetable milk, then a thorough shake in a DotsDiet shaker, and your delicious drink is ready, which can be a meal replacement option.
Thanks to its extremely high fibre content, letting it stand for 10–15 minutes after preparation transforms it into a pudding-like consistency, allowing you to create a delicious cream cup or dessert.
Our recommendation: The DotsDiet sweet shakes become a delightful winter delicacy when enjoyed hot.
Consume half a litre of water or DotsDiet lemon-flavoured drink powder half an hour after enjoying the sweet shake. This ensures the optimal fibre effect and a sense of complete satiety.
You can further support the effectiveness of the process by including active movement, massage, and sauna sessions. Explore our magazine for a glimpse into Dots-lifestyle tips.
- Dairy-free, lactose-free
- Free of sodium glutamate
- Preservative-free
- Free of artificial colourants
- Gluten-free
- Supports dietetic use